Wednesday, November 4, 2009

I need. I need NOW.

Designed in fancy Pullip style ("young leaf" in Korean), this AWESOME Tink doll is the cutest thing I have ever seen. Besides myself, of course.

Preorder it here!!!

My birthday is coming up.....hehehe

Friday, June 19, 2009

Totally Coincidence!

So I head off to WalMart in search of some vanilla body spray. I'm walking down the fragrance isle, looking through the options, when something catches my eye...a line of products ranging from body scrubs to lotions, and yes a body spray as well ALL in vanilla! The name of the line? "Totally Tink" Hahah! Complete with tag line "the only body spray that's pixie approved"

So of course I had to buy one of everything. Duh.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Ultimate Tink Boots

So I was doing what Tink does when she is shopping online...(searching for anything green, sparkly, or ridiculously cute) and I came across these. Are these not the ULTIMATE Tink boots?!?? I mean, come ON! I HAVE to have them! The only problem is that Tinky baby has been basically unemployed since moving from Neverland to the armpit of for now all she can do is lust...

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Pixie Perfect

I've come a long way from the days of home-made coat-hanger wings. But I have never found a pre-made Tink costume I liked, so these days you may spot me flitting about in a DIY Tink costume I fashioned from an expensive floor-length lime green prom dress from bebe that I *gasp* took a pair of scissors to, and some inflatable wings from a child's Tinkerbell costume I found at Wal*Mart. It looks pretty dang amazing if I do say so myself, and I do say so myself. But, I mean, "if you're going to do something, you may as well do it right, or not at all." That's my motto. As is, "don't let the front door hit ya when yer...stupid!"

My next feat is to create a more lifelike pair of wings....but that wont happen until I can at least see the carpet of my bedroom. It looks like my closet threw up in here! So don't hold your breath for that project. Unless you're better at holding your breath than David Blaine.
Till next time pixie pals...this is Tink signing off! :p